Where We Work


The Accelerator’s work is tailored to meet local needs and covers a wide range of technical assistance to address health systems challenges. The Accelerator is exploring evidence, promising practices, and approaches to learning what works and what doesn’t, for sustainable health systems strengthening.

Scroll down to learn more about our work: 

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Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator Institutional Architecture for Health Framework

Strengthen Institutional Architecture for Continuous Health Systems Strengthening

The Accelerator has developed an institutional architecture framework to assess and build capacity for self-reliant, continuous health systems strengthening.
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HSR2020 Data Use Session Graphic

Building Better Systems for Health Equity Using Social Behavior Change

Identifying promising opportunities for social accountability and social and behavior change efforts to work together to increase equity and efficiency through Universal Health Coverage.
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Representatives from Ghana’s Ministry of Health (MOH), National Health Insurance Scheme, and the Ghana Health Service participate in a virtual supportive supervision workshop

National Coordination of Multi-sectoral, Multi-level Pandemic Responses Virtual Collaborative

Strengthening leadership capacities and functions to ensure strong coordination to manage major health and socio-economic threats while building the foundation of more resilient and responsive health systems for the future.
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A community health worker (the man in the tan vest) linked to a health center that received USAID Zika support making a home visit to show the mother stimulation exercises to do with her daughter. Photo credit: USAID 2017

USAID Health Systems Strengthening Case Competition

Using real-life examples, the USAID Health System Strengthening Case Competition is an opportunity for USAID staff and partners working on health system strengthening activities to showcase their work and impact on health systems and health outcomes.
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Group of young african people are studying together in university. Students outdoors.

Community, Youth, and Resiliency

Through a mixed methods case study in Nigeria, the Accelerator will investigate health care utilization and socio-economic outcomes of youth during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and the program efforts and challenges to supporting youth resilience and retention in care during this shock.
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Countries and Regions

Asia Region

Two practitioners discuss information technology to support progress towards universal health coverage

Health Systems Strengthening and Policy Research Capacities in Asia

Improving the ecosystem of health policy and systems research to strengthen health systems in Asia.
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Scaling-up Universal Health Coverage in Benin

Achieving universal health coverage by scaling up Benin’s new health insurance program, Health Insurance for Strengthening Human Capital (Assurance Maladie de l’Assurance pour le Renforcement du Capital Humain or AM-ARCH).
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Cote d'Ivoire

Four men standing outside

Sustainable HIV Financing

Exploring multi-stakeholder coordination and action to improve financing for HIV Epidemic Control.
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Improving Community Health Governance in Côte d’Ivoire

Developing policies and tools to reduce fragmentation and improve implementation of community health services.
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Four men standing outside

Costing and Integration of Health Services in Support of Côte d’Ivoire’s Universal Health Coverage

The Accelerator is providing integration and costing strategies to support the country’s efforts to achieve Universal Health Coverage.
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Strengthening Rehabilitation Services in Post-Conflict Countries

Advancing Rehab 2030 objectives at the local, regional, and global levels by partnering with local governments, regional, and country-level institutions and global partners.
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Improving Equity in Coverage and Financial Protection through Ghana’s Primary Care Provider Networks

The Accelerator is applying implementation research and adaptive learning methods to understand if and how Primary Care Provider Networks can meet the Government of Ghana's equity objectives and how context affects the initiative’s implementation.
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Supporting the Scale-up of Primary Care Provider Networks in Ghana

Partnership to Accelerate Ghana’s Vision for Achieving Health for All

Accelerating Ghana’s vision of achieving health for all.
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Members of the Accelerator research team at a training workshop. Photo credit: The Accelerator

Improving Community Health and Immunization Outcomes in Guinea through Integrated Health Systems Strengthening

To prioritize systems-level barriers that hinder community health outcomes and UHC, understand entry points for change, and apply integrated systems improvement approaches, the Accelerator is working with the USAID Mission, country leaders, communities, and development partners.
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Two women holding babies

Implementation Research on the National Community Health Policy in Guinea

Conducting implementation research to provide evidence on the design coherence, effectiveness, and scalability of the National Community Health Policy in Guinea.
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Systems Improvement Support to John F. Kennedy Medical Center

Sustainable health financing to improve health outcomes in Liberia.
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Sahara Desert Chinguetti Village Mauritania Africa Photo credit Overflightstock

Increasing COVID-19 Vaccination Demand in Mauritania

The Accelerator will facilitate a co-creation process with key stakeholders in Mauritania to develop an action plan for improving COVID-19 vaccination coverage.
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Habiba Suleiman, 29, a district malaria surveillance officer, sits down with the children of a family she tested for malaria. USAID

Advancing the Community Health Roadmap Partnership

The Accelerator will provide technical assistance to support Tanzania’s community health roadmap and support an exchange of global community health knowledge through networking with other roadmap countries
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Integrated Health Systems Strengthening Support to Strengthen Leadership, Improve Governance, Promote Learning, and Achieve Universal Health Coverage in Togo

Accelerating implementation of universal health coverage and integrating existing national strategies and initiatives into a cohesive vision and action plan.
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Technical Areas of Focus

A mother holds her baby at an Early Childhood Development session that is being run by a Community Health Officer who has undergone training by Jhpiego, in Sijri Veng Veng village, Ghana, on Thursday, June 6 2018. This is one of the poorest regions in Ghana and parents struggle to grow enough food for their children to eat; and have no money to buy toys. Health workers trained by MCSP teach mothers how to make toys from items they can find in their homes and how to play with their children. The project has been running for six months in the community and parents have seen a big change in how their babies are developing. Jhpiego has been working throughout Ghana to improve the lives of newborn babies and their mothers.

Improving Routine Immunization Coverage and Equity Through Financial System Strengthening and Integration

Working with stakeholders in Guinea and Togo to identify and implement strategies to strengthen immunization performance, including improving immunization funding and promoting integration with community health and universal health coverage strategies.
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Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Post-Conflict Countries

Integrating mental health and psychosocial support services in the health systems of post-conflict low- and middle-income countries.
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Here, Rahama, 30, plays with her 9-month-old daughter, Maradiatu, inside their home.

Safe Blood for Maternal Health

The Accelerator and Market Access and Innovative Financing program will utilize the USAID Safe Blood Starter Kit in Liberia, Malawi, and Rwanda to help analyze existing blood systems, identify primary barriers to availability of safe blood for treatment of PPH, and identify opportunities.
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Isolated on white, a scene of togetherness and friendship.

Strengthening Rehabilitation Services in Post-Conflict Countries

Advancing Rehab 2030 objectives at the local, regional, and global levels by partnering with local governments, regional, and country-level institutions and global partners.
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