New law mandates salaries for Guinea’s community health workers

On December 9, 2022, Guinea’s National Transitional Council unanimously adopted a new law mandating that the local civil service should engage and pay for community health mobilizers (RECO) through commune-level budgets and that the national government should pay for higher-level community health workers (ASC) salaries. The new law is a significant step towards implementing Guinea’s …

Monrovia call to action launched by the Liberian ministry of health

The Health System Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator) extends hearty congratulations to the Ministry of Health of Liberia and all its partners for hosting the hugely successful Third International Community Health Worker Symposium in Monrovia from March 20 to 24, 2023! The symposium proved pivotal in advocating for community health workers who should be trained effectively, paid …

Join the Accelerator at the 3rd International Community Health Workforce Symposium

“Advancing Community Health Worker Programs to Build Resilient and Equitable Health Systems that Accelerate Primary Health Care for Universal Health Coverage” EVENT DATE March 20-24, 2023 LOCATION Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Inter-Ministerial Complex The 3rd International Community Health Workforce Symposium aims to facilitate the global exchange of knowledge and solutions to scale and sustain Community Health …

Guinea Implementation Research Protocol Published in PLOS ONE

Guinea Implementation Research Protocol Published in PLOS ONE In this article published in PLOS ONE, Alexandre Delamou, Fassou Mathias Grovogui , Lior Miller, Amy Nye, Mamadi Kourouma, Delphin KoliĂ©, TohanizĂ© Goumou, and Thomas J. Bossert share findings and recommendations from a study to explore the rollout of the community health policy in Guinea in the …

Implementation Research Helps Guinea Assess Gaps and Opportunities in the National Community Health Strategy

Authors: Alexandre Delamou, Fassou Mathias Grovogui, Rachel Gates, Lior Miller, and Amy Nye Over the last decade, Guinea has invested significant resources to decentralize the country’s community health program to address key health challenges and poor health indicators. Historically, Guinea has faced a shortage of health workers, which limits the ability of community members to …

Points à retenir du dialogue virtuel de l’Accélérateur entre le Togo et la Guinée sur la santé communautaire et l’intégration de la vaccination

Auteurs: Isabeaux Kennedy Mitton, Lior Miller, Leah Ewald, Maria Francisco, Dr. SOW Mamadou Kaba, and Dr. GBEASOR-KOMLANVI Fifonsi Assurer une couverture vaccinale Ă©quitable peut s’avĂ©rer difficile pour les pays Ă  revenu faible et intermĂ©diaire infĂ©rieur, car une faible couverture vaccinale est souvent liĂ©e Ă  des systèmes de santĂ© peu performants, tant dans les zones urbaines …

Des représentants de la société civile et des agents de santé communautaire plaident en faveur du financement de la santé communautaire en Guinée

Auteurs : Lior Miller et Sylla Boubacar La GuinĂ©e, qui s’étend de sa capitale, Conakry, sur la cĂ´te de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, jusqu’à la rĂ©gion du Sahel, est confrontĂ©e Ă  des dĂ©fis constants en matière de systèmes de santĂ©, notamment des taux Ă©levĂ©s de mortalitĂ© maternelle et de mortalitĂ© des enfants de moins de cinq …

Civil Society Representatives and Community Health Workers Advocate for Community Health Financing in Guinea

Authors: Lior Miller and Sylla Boubacar Guinea, which stretches from its capital city of Conakry on the coast of West Africa up into the Sahel region, has faced consistent health systems challenges, including high rates of maternal and under-five mortality and multiple concurrent infectious disease outbreaks. To improve community health in Guinea and achieve universal …

Q&A: Implementation Research and Adaptive Learning Help Guinea Define Roles and Responsibilities

Author: Nkem Wellington, Program Communications Director, Results for Development Dr. Alexandre Delamou MD, MPH, Ph.D. Director of the Africa Center for Excellence for Prevention and Control of Transmissible Diseases, at the University Gamal Abdel Nasser, head of the university’s Public Health Department, and director of the Research Unit at the Maferinyah Center The Accelerator, in …