Author: Leah List, Senior Program Associate, Results for Development The Accelerator launched a series of co-creation sessions on May 29th designed to develop a shared vision and identify concrete pathways to strengthen the ecosystem for health policy and systems research (HPSR) in Asia. The series follows a landscaping analysis that explored the important role of …
Category Archives: Stories
Accelerator Hosts Regional Webinar Series Health Financing in Rehabilitation
With support from the Inclusive Development Hub of USAID’s Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation (DDI) and funding from the Leahy War Victim’s Fund, the Accelerator has partnered with the WHO to develop a knowledge product on “Rehabilitation in Health Financing”. The knowledge product will analyze options for financing rehabilitation in different health systems contexts …
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Ghana’s Ministry of Health Hosts the 2021 Annual Health Summit with Support from the Accelerator
Authors: Adwoa Twum, Linda A. Vanotoo, and Benjamin Nyakutsey (Head of the Policy Unit of the Policy Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Department of Ghana’s Ministry of Health) Ghana’s Annual Health Summit is the annual culmination event where the results of the review and monitoring of the health sector are presented to stakeholders through a series of …
Countries Need Continued Joint Learning and Problem-solving to Curb the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Collaborative wrapped up the first phase on April 27 with a webinar on promising approaches to common coordination challenges.
Procurement, stocking, and distribution: What lessons can we learn from national strategies for equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccine?
Equitable processes for distributing vaccine stocks are perhaps the best way to counter hesitancy.
COVID-19 collaborative focuses on citizens’ compliance to public health measures, data use, and integration of data systems
Accelerator facilitated COVID-19 collaborative focuses on citizens’ compliance to COVID-19 public health measures, data use, and integration of data systems.
Strengthening Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services in Liberia through Co-creation and Collaboration
The burden of mental, neurological, and substance abuse (MNS) disorders in Liberia stems in part from the layered effects of civil war, pandemic health crises (Ebola in 2014-15 and currently COVID-19), and widespread poverty, vulnerability, and drug use—reflected by an almost 40% increase between 2007 and 2017 in the burden of disability caused by depressive …
Implementing Guinea’s National Community Health Strategy
Authors: Amy Nye, Lior Miller, and Nathan Blanchet The successful rollout of Guinea’s National Community Health Strategy will require complex changes in health financing, human resources, and governance. To help Guinea independently translate, adapt, and sustain innovative ways to strengthen health systems, the Accelerator is facilitating dialogue with key partners and stakeholders to identify the …
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Integrated Health Systems Strengthening Support Aims to Improve Community Health Outcomes in West Africa
Existing efforts to improve community health outcomes in West Africa recognize the need for (and difficulty of) complex and innovative interventions — ones that apply systems thinking, tackle multiple health systems “building blocks” at once, and likely require new models for financing and delivering quality health services, especially to vulnerable and under-served communities. In West …
Accelerator Coach Provides Practical Guidance on How to Adapt and Use Global Evidence to Launch the Liberian Health Equity Fund
“Coaching in Liberia was one of the best experiences of my life,” says Anthony Gingong. “I told them I was not coming as a foreigner. I was coming as one of them. That alone eased the tension in the room.” Gingong is a health professional with almost 30 years’ experience within Ghana’s National Health Insurance …