New Report Explores the Linkages Between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change

Authored by: Susan Pietrzyk, PhD, International Health and Development Team, ICF As a project, the Accelerator’s focus on health system strengthening (HSS) is pursued in various ways. Analysis and use of evidence and tools along with original research provide important insights. Investments such as these build an understanding of complex dynamics and provide a springboard …

Q&A: Implementation Research and Adaptive Learning Help Guinea Define Roles and Responsibilities

Author: Nkem Wellington, Program Communications Director, Results for Development Dr. Alexandre Delamou MD, MPH, Ph.D. Director of the Africa Center for Excellence for Prevention and Control of Transmissible Diseases, at the University Gamal Abdel Nasser, head of the university’s Public Health Department, and director of the Research Unit at the Maferinyah Center The Accelerator, in …

Creating a Shared Vision for a Stronger Health Policy and Systems Research Ecosystem in Asia

Author: Leah List, Senior Program Associate, Results for Development The Accelerator launched a series of co-creation sessions on May 29th designed to develop a shared vision and identify concrete pathways to strengthen the ecosystem for health policy and systems research (HPSR) in Asia. The series follows a landscaping analysis that explored the important role of …

Accelerator Hosts Regional Webinar Series Health Financing in Rehabilitation

With support from the Inclusive Development Hub of USAID’s Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation (DDI) and funding from the Leahy War Victim’s Fund, the Accelerator has partnered with the WHO to develop a knowledge product on “Rehabilitation in Health Financing”. The knowledge product will analyze options for financing rehabilitation in different health systems contexts …

Ghana’s Ministry of Health Hosts the 2021 Annual Health Summit with Support from the Accelerator

Authors: Adwoa Twum, Linda A. Vanotoo, and Benjamin Nyakutsey (Head of the Policy Unit of the Policy Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Department of Ghana’s Ministry of Health)  Ghana’s Annual Health Summit is the annual culmination event where the results of the review and monitoring of the health sector are presented to stakeholders through a series of …

Strengthening the Ecosystem for Health Policy and Systems Research for Health Systems Strengthening in Asia

A Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator) Landscaping Analysis of 97 health policy and research institutions (HPSRIs) across 27 countries in the Asia region found a need for evidence translation capacity development. The analysis revealed that nearly all HPSRIs are engaged in evidence generation but significantly fewer are involved in translating evidence into policy and practice.  Only …

Institutional Architecture for Health Systems Strengthening

In many low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), health systems strengthening (HSS) efforts have often involved partnerships between domestic institutions, international donors, and external providers of technical assistance. As donor funding declines, countries are seeking to build capacity for HSS independent of international support. This objective aligns well with the overall goal of the Accelerator program, …