Webinar: Rehabilitation and Universal Health Coverage

Learn from country leaders and experts about how to integrate rehabilitation into health systems and UHC strategies Did you know that one-third of the world’s population needs rehabilitation at some point in the course of their illness or injury? Yet rehabilitation is often underprioritized in countries’ health systems and universal health coverage (UHC) strategies. On …

Des représentants de la société civile et des agents de santé communautaire plaident en faveur du financement de la santé communautaire en Guinée

Auteurs : Lior Miller et Sylla Boubacar La Guinée, qui s’étend de sa capitale, Conakry, sur la côte de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, jusqu’à la région du Sahel, est confrontée à des défis constants en matière de systèmes de santé, notamment des taux élevés de mortalité maternelle et de mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq …

Civil Society Representatives and Community Health Workers Advocate for Community Health Financing in Guinea

Authors: Lior Miller and Sylla Boubacar Guinea, which stretches from its capital city of Conakry on the coast of West Africa up into the Sahel region, has faced consistent health systems challenges, including high rates of maternal and under-five mortality and multiple concurrent infectious disease outbreaks. To improve community health in Guinea and achieve universal …

Accelerator Hosts Panel Discussion on Gender and Gender-based Violence Integration in Health Systems Research, Policy, and Planning

Today and every day, we must speak up to end violence against women and girls everywhere. To mark the #16days of activism and show solidarity with survivors of gender-based violence, the Accelerator invited two experts to talk to the team about integrating gender into health systems research, policy, and planning. On December 8, 2021, Dr. …

Practical approaches strengthen John F. Kennedy Medical Centre’s data reporting culture

Author: Olasunmbo Makinde, Health Strategy and Delivery Foundation Over the past year, leadership from the John F. Kennedy Medical Centre (JFKMC), Liberia, and the Accelerator have been working together to strengthen the hospital’s systems and management processes across the fiscal, supply chain, and service delivery to improve the quality of care at the hospital. To …

Support to Liberia ensures adequate stock of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies at John F. Kennedy Medical Centre

Author: Augustine Omodieke, Health Strategy and Delivery Foundation Over the past years, Liberia’s John F. Kennedy Medical Centre (JFKMC) has experienced stock out of essential drugs due to poor inventory management and demand forecasting. As a result, patients were forced to purchase drugs from private drug stores. Stacks of commodities (mostly donated products) arrived at …

Managing a pandemic is about more than health

Authors: Adwoa Twum and Marian Opoku-Agyeman The Accelerator partnered with the Government of Ghana shortly after its’ first case of COVID-19 to strengthen and support the countries’ pandemic response efforts. Working closely with the President’s appointed Coordinator, the program supported local actors to create a COVID-19 response coordinating Secretariat to lead the effort. In Part …

Strategic oversight and coordination across institutions, actors, and processes help Ghana mount a robust pandemic response

Authors: Adwoa Twum, Marian Opoku-Agyeman, Omotayo Willoughby, Nana Ampadu Mari, and Linda Vanotoo The pandemic has stressed the need for novel approaches to a multisectoral response to mitigate the long-term social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator) partnered with the Government of Ghana shortly after its’ first case …

Scaling up Primary Care Provider Networks in Ghana to Achieve Universal Health Coverage

Authors: Ezinne Ezekwem, Elizabeth Hammah, Dr. Awudu Tinorgah, Dr. Nana Enyimayew, Dr. Chris Atim, and Dr. Linda Vanotoo In response to challenges and varying capacities of providers to deliver quality primary health care (PHC) services, the Government of Ghana, with the support of USAID Systems for Health (S4H), designed and implemented the Primary Care Provider …

Highlights from the Health Policy and Systems Research Co-creation Series: Executive Summary and Next Steps

The tremendous progress made during the co-creation series has been summarized in the Executive Summary. It highlights our co-created vision for a stronger and more aligned Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) ecosystem in the Asia Region in the next 10-15 years, key discussion topics, and the action areas participants want to pursue as part …