2023 USAID Health Systems Strengthening Case Competition Winners

Using real-life examples, the Case Competition allows us to learn what does and does not work when implementing, institutionalizing, and scaling up health system programs and approaches. These case submissions help inform USAID and its partners’ ongoing work and will contribute to learning syntheses and dissemination under the USAID HSS Learning Agenda to strengthen the global HSS evidence base.
The 2023 Case Competition received 102 entries from 31 countries. Three winners were selected by USAID and the Accelerator’s panel of judges. They showcased their work at a Virtual Showcase Event on November 6, 2023.
2023 Winners Showcase
Integrating Community Structures for Effective WASH Behavior Change: A Cross-Sectoral Approach

USAID-NISHTHA Project, Jhpiego
Authors: Pallavi Kumar, Prafull Sharma, Dr. Pratiksha Pal, Gaurav Kapoor, Krithika Murali, Dr. Ashish Srivastava, and Dr. Neeraj Agrawal
Contributors: Dr. Anuradha Jain, AoR, USAID-NISHTHA and Samarthan (local NGO partner)
Institutionalizing Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation in Inter-local Health Zones in Leyte Province

USAID RenewHealth Activity, URC
Authors: Miguel Raphael Tongco, Amihan R. Perez, Joy Naputo, Jan Marj Nicole Ramirez, and Ma. Regina Hechanova-Alampay
SAFEMed and the Affordable Medicines Program in Ukraine: Reducing Inequities in Medicine Access

Authors: Anna Bezruk, Natalia Hnatiuk, NHSU (National Health Service of Ukraine), Natalia Beskupska, NHSU, Rebecca Kohler, MSH/SAFEMed, and Lindsay Murphy, MSH

2023 Case Competition Submissions
The 2023 Case Competition received 102 entries from 31 countries. Click the tabs below to view the Case Competition submissions by Learning Theme or Country.

Browse Entries by Learning Theme
Addressing Female Genital Schistosomiasis Burden in Nigeria to Create Health Equity
Alternative Service Delivery Model Contributed to Establishing Health Service Accessibility for an Isolated Community in Bangladesh
Analytical Solution to Address Child Malnutrition in Guatemala
Championing multistakeholder engagement for capacity strengthening toward AMR containment in Nepal
Change Pathways in Revolutionizing the Health Information System in Ethiopia
- Dashboard and Community Scorecard
Eliciting Indonesian HTA Topic Selection Criteria to Help Addressing Disparities in Access
Gestion optimisée des intrants de santé à Madagascar : la synergie entre DHIS-2 et Power BI
Improving Early Screening, Identification and Management of TB during Pregnancy
Improving Maternal and Newborn Outcomes through Integrating GESI in QI Approach
Improving National Commodity Visibility and Tracking Using the Pharmaceutical Information Portal
- Improving the Enrollment of Persons Living with HIV in Financial Protection Schemes in Lagos State
Leveraging Telemedicine to Improve Health Equity in Ukraine During and After the War
- MITR Clinics: Non-HIV Entry Points to Deliver HIV Services to Transgender People in India
Reforming and Stabilizing Primary Health Care in Pre- and Wartime Ukraine
SAFEMed and the Affordable Medicines Program in Ukraine: Reducing Inequities in Medicine Access
SAMRIDH- Healthcare Blended Finance Facility, under USAID supported PAHAL Program
Strengthening Public Financial Management (PFM) System in Local Government: Uganda’s Wakiso District
Strengthening Training Ecosystem through Multi-Agency Coordination towards Equitable Sexual Reproductive Health Services
The Role of Digital Technologies in Ensuring Access and Availability of Medical Supplies in Ethiopia
Unraveling Health Inequities: The Transformative Power of Targeted Interventions in ANC Services
Advancing Locally Led Development Agenda for Health System Strengthening
Advancing UHC through Innovations in Primary Health Care
Enabling Decision Making Using Multisectoral Data for the One Health Approach in Burkina Faso
Foster Cross-Sector Collaborations for Child-friendly Learning Environments in Barmm
HIV Service Delivery in The Time of Covid-19: Focus Group Discussions with Key Populations in India
Institutionalizing Community-based Drug Rehabilitation in Inter-local Health Zones in Leyte Province
Integrating Mentorship and Supportive Supervision model’s contribution towards strengthening Bangladesh’s Family Planning Workforce
Integrating Quality Eye Care Services into Primary Health Care to Eliminate Avoidable Blindness
Process of institutionalizing the quality management system of community laboratories in Mali
- Nurturing of CBO and Integrating HIV Intervention with the Public Health System: The Story of INFOCEM, Telangana, India
Putting the Locals into Action: Health System Strengthening Model in Vulnerable Geographies of India
Redesigning Joint Integrated Supportive Supervision to Improve Quality of Health Care In Liberia
Strengthening Capacities for High-Quality Post COVID-19 ICU Care
Leveraging Telemedicine to Improve Health Equity in Ukraine During and After the War
Strengthening Multisectoral Coordination to Contain Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Kenya
Strengthening NTEP Training Using the Modernized Training System
Strengthening Pharmacovigilance to Improve Product Safety Surveillance and Reporting in Kenya
Strengthening Primary Health Care Leaders Capacity and Governance through Social Accountability/CSC
Strengthening Stewardship and Implementation of Kenya’s Health Policy and Financing Agenda
Bringing People Living with HIV Back-to-Care by using SBC approaches to strengthen the health system
Engaging Young Couples to Make Informed Family Planning Decisions
Integrating Community Structures for Effective WASH Behavior Change: A Cross-Sectoral Approach
Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Changes to Promote Health: Using the Eat Better South Africa Model

Browse Entries by Country
A - E
G - K
Adapting a Health System Approach for Improving the Quality of ANC in India: Rajasthan Experience
Engaging Young Couples to Make Informed Family Planning Decisions
HIV Service Delivery in The Time of Covid-19: Focus Group Discussions with Key Populations in India
Improving Early Screening, Identification and Management of TB during Pregnancy
Integrating Community Structures for Effective WASH Behavior Change: A Cross-Sectoral Approach
Integrating Quality Eye Care Services into Primary Health Care to Eliminate Avoidable Blindness
MITR Clinics: Non-HIV Entry Points to Deliver HIV Services to Transgender People in India
Putting the Locals into Action: Health System Strengthening Model in Vulnerable Geographies of India
SAMRIDH- Healthcare Blended Finance Facility, under USAID supported PAHAL Program
Strengthening NTEP Training Using the Modernized Training System
L - P
- Gestion optimisée des intrants de santé à Madagascar : la synergie entre DHIS-2 et Power BI
Advancing UHC through Innovations in Primary Health Care
Foster Cross-Sector Collaborations for Child-friendly Learning Environments in Barmm
Institutionalizing Community-based Drug Rehabilitation in Inter-local Health Zones in Leyte Province