The Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research brings together over 2,000 policymakers, practitioners, and researchers from more than 100 countries to explore issues across the central theme of “Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing Lessons for Current and Future Global Challenges.”
Learn more about the Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator’s activities.
Virtual Side Sessions
Engaging Stakeholders to Turn Research into Policy Amid Political Change
October 18, 11 am (GMT -5) | Virtual
This session presents experiences of primary health care programs in using similar strategies to engage key stakeholders in policy design and implementation research in Guinea and Ghana. Lessons are drawn for strategies in similar contexts.
Moderator: Dr. Alexandre Delamou, MD, MPH, PhD
Dr. Mathias Grovogui, MD, MPH, Researcher, National Training and Research Center in Rural Health of Maferinyah, Guinea
Dr. Goumou Tohanizé, MD, Directorate of Community Health and Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health, Conakry, Guinea
- Dr. Alphonse Dzakpasu, Medical Superintendent, Ketu South Municipal Hospital, Ghana
Dr. Ama Pokuaa Fenny, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
Dr. Andrews Ayim, Deputy Director Policy Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Ghana Health Service, Accra, Ghana
Advancing Equity in Health Systems Strengthening: Four Key Approaches to Enhance Equity in Implementation and outcomes
October 20, 12 pm (GMT -5) | Virtual
The session will first provide a conceptual overview of approaches to promoting equity through HSS interventions (building on USAID HSS Vision 2030 and the moderator’s expert experience) and frame their relevance to the equitable implementation of HSS interventions and equitable health system outcomes. Practitioners of each approach will then provide concrete examples from recent HSS interventions.
Moderator: Dr. Anju Malhotra, Professor of Practice at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Dr. Linda Vanotoo, Ghana Country Director at Results for Development
- Dr. Kefi Bello, Head of Research at the Center for Research in Human Reproduction and Demography in Benin (Cerrhud)
- Dr. Susan Pietrzyk, Health Systems Strengthening and Social and Behavior Change Advisor at ICF International
In-person Sessions
Rehabilitation in health systems: Responding to changing population needs
November 2, 6:30 – 8:30 AM (GMT -5)
- Tamara Chikhradze, Associate Director, Results for Development

Launch Event: WHO Bulletin Theme Issue on Advancing Health Policy and Systems Research for Rehabilitation
November 2
- Tamara Chikhradze, Associate Director, Results for Development
- Nathan Blanchet, Senior Program Director, Results for Development
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Poster Presentations
The Accelerator is involved in the following poster presentations.

Reimagining Health Care Delivery Models for Equity in Ghana: Implementation Research on Primary Care Provider Networks
Authors: Cornelius Debpuur, Research and Development Division, Ghana Health Service; Ama Pokuaa Fenny; Ivy Osei; Tamara Chikhradze, Results for Development; Elizabeth Hammah, Results for Development; Alphonse Dzakpasu

Co-creation: an innovative approach for improving multi-sectoral collaboration and coordination for accelerating progress toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Togo
Authors: Aboubakar Issa, Kéfilath Bello, Lior Miller, Seyni Mbaye, and Elom Gbatchi
Oral Presentations
“An approach to integrating and scaling up mental health services as part of comprehensive primary health care in Liberia: Lessons and challenges in pandemic times”
Date: November 2, 2022
Time (Bogota time zone): 11:00-12:30
Room: N
Session title: Assuring access to health care for all